With Himla mobile bank you have all our smart banking services in your pocket. You receive notifications by eF invoice, can check your balance and pay bills.Himla Mobilbank gives you:• Quick access by fingerprint or personal code• Overview of loans• Overview of credit card and checking account• Balance and last movements• Notifications by e-invoice, tips or other digg informationDo you need help?You can find many answers at www.himla.no, but if you are really in trouble, call a very good friend at 983 00 000.Not a customer? Become a customer in the app.ActivationYou activate the mobile bank with BankID or BankID on mobile. Once you have activated your mobile bank, use your fingerprint or personal code to sign in.If you are a little square, we are a little apprehensiveWe want to give all our customers the lowest possible mortgage rate. The Finance Portal is a service from the Consumer Council, which gives you an overview of the prices of all the banks, and you can compare and check which bank can offer you the best interest rate. To make sure that we are constantly on the rise and keeping interest rates low, we give our customers a promise that we will always fight after being in the top three on Finansportalens mortgage price list. That is, we should be among the countrys cheapest, and you wont have to worry about whether your mortgage rate is really on par with its neighbor, or if its soon time to call the bank to bargain a little.Your interest rate will follow the market, and we will constantly fight for a spot on the pallet. For those of you who like to stay up to date, we can also tempt you with live streaming directly from Finansportalen in online and mobile banking. This way, you can always have an overview of where we are on the pallet.What is the chin?There is only one check mark - you must have at least 25% equity. This means that if you want to borrow 75% of the value of the home or less, you get the same good conditions as everyone else. We do not have favorite customers - we believe in equal interest rates for everyone.Himla Banking Services is a service provided by Fana Sparebank and operates under Fana Sparebanks banking license. Thus, Himla Banking Services is not an independent financial institution. Please note that you as a customer are thus covered by Fana Sparebanks deposit guarantee up to NOK 2 million, in the concept Himla Banking Services.